Friday, March 27, 2020

Cool Chemistry Experiments For High School Projects

Cool Chemistry Experiments For High School ProjectsNow that you have entered the world of science and you are learning how to make cool chemistry experiments for high school projects, let us make some things clear. Chemistry is a very broad subject and there are lots of chemical reactions going on in the body that you will never be able to fully understand, so don't get too worked up about what you do not understand. The way to start thinking of the questions you will ask is to imagine how your teacher will feel when you finished your project and then what they would say to you afterward. Now, here is how to do it.When you are starting to think of the ideas you are going to ask your high school chemistry project, you should make sure that you have the right attitude before you start. It will be good to know how you feel before you start because the more enthusiastic you are, the better your results will be.Remember, you will be asking your teacher questions and you will not be given very specific answers. If you are unsure what you should ask, always start by asking yourself what you are looking for. Ask yourself what you need to know to solve the problem you are facing and then make a list of all the chemical elements that you will be studying.After you have prepared all the elements, start thinking of the experiments you want to do. Keep in mind that you will be making a lot of these experiments. You will definitely need lots of supplies so start shopping around as early as possible. The more the better if you can get everything you need at one go.A very important tip to remember is that you should always have something to wear when doing any experiment. Make sure that you have something comfortable to wear so that you will not be struggling with your experiments when you don't have anything to wear. The last thing you want is to have your experiments ruined by sweating profusely all over your clothes.Don't forget to include your experiments in your school pr oject so that your teachers can see what your intention is. An excellent way to remember this is to start experimenting in your room before you start anything else so that you don't get distracted.So when you're starting to think of the topics you will ask your chemistry experiment for your school project, just remember to keep an open mind and try out different approaches. This way, you will learn a lot and also know what you can do well and what you can do poorly. When you are making these cool chemistry experiments for high school projects, just remember that you need lots of supplies and that the more that you need, the more fun you will have.

Friday, March 6, 2020

16 Better Ways to Say Angry in English Learn English with Harry

16 Better Ways to Say Angry in English Learn English with Harry Welcome! In this English lesson, you will learn 16 better ways to say ANGRY or ANNOYED in English.Im sure all of us, at certain times, have become angry, and sometimes it is nice to know the right English words and phrases to use to be able to say a little more than just, Im angry! Better Ways to Say Angry or Annoyed in English Anger and annoyance are real strong emotions and feelings. When people get red in the face and steam and their eyes go narrow and do the teeth clench of all these different facial expressions that they make.Number one is I AM ANGRY.Im angry because he didnt reply to the email. He said he would and Ive asked him three or four times and Im not going to write again.Im angry or Im really angry. Im very angry.I’M ANNOYEDOf course Im annoyed. Wouldnt you be annoyed? Yeah, I told them not to make noise. I was trying to do a recording and every time I tried to press the button go, he was playing his music. Anybody would be annoyed.So annoyed as another form of anger.If youre really, really annoyed, you might be FUMING … Oof, oof…  Steam’s coming out.Oh, and he was fuming. I didnt know what to say. I went into the boss and told them that I was leaving. Ive got another offer.  The next one is  quite unusual. You might not have heard it before.  HE WAS FIT TO BE TIED.It means that he ne eded a straight jacket or that the people from the loony bin were going to come and tie him down because he was all really getting so annoyed and so aggressive. He was fit to be tied.He gets HOT UNDER THE COLLAR. You really feel steam come out and red neck or a red face and hes a bit hot under the collar. Hes getting a little bit angry and perhaps a little bit aggressive too.So there are many other ways. I mean, theyre all, as I say, exactly the same, meaning its about anger or being angry or being annoyed, but just different words. And this is the beauty of the English language.After all, we have so many different ways to express the same emotion.The next one is ENRAGED. Like something bigger is  starting. He was enraged.So he was in a restaurant, and the waitress dropped the bottle and spilled red wine all over his suit. He was really enraged.She could see that he was SEETHING, you know, you really wanted to explore when were seething.Or we could also say FUMING LIKE A FIRE.Or FUR IOUS.Furious with rage. Furious with anger. 16 Ways to Say Angry in English Add Your Heading Text Here A little less annoyed or a little less angry. You could use a word like DISPLEASED.So when a parent is not so happy with what the child has done, they may not shout or scream, but the child will know from the look on the face that mother or father are very displeased. Mother or father might even say:Im really displeased with you. I was expecting better.So you can be displeased or indeed you can be just  UNHAPPY  with something.Its a moderate form of anger.Let’s go back to some more aggressive forms of, of anger and annoyance. So weve got words like INCENSED.He was really, really annoyed, deep down he was incensed. He had been trying to close this account for many, many months.OUTRAGED  He was outraged at the moment in the British parliament there, the prime minister, Boris Johnson has decided hes going to close parliament for about five weeks.  IRATE is when somebody can be annoyed and angry.Usually we can use it with an irate customer.How do you deal with an irate customer?A wonde rful question to be asked at an interview.And an irate customer is somebody who is irritated. Hes annoyed that something has happened or something hasnt happened. We can also use the word like RILED.A bit of an American word. Riled means annoyed.If youre watching a hockey game and ice hockey game or a basketball game and somebody commits a foul just to rile his opposite number, so he hits him or he pushes them or he does something that the referee or umpire doesnt see, he wants to get him riled and wants to get them a night or angry.  And of course like a  bull, you can be RAGING.Raging like a bull is  a good expression.When  the trees are blowing, the wind is strong, everything is happening, we can refer to it as a raging storm.And then finally INFURIATED.I like this word infuriated.Im infuriated when something doesnt work out.Im infuriated when it doesnt go the way that I would like it to go.So there are lots and lots of ways to say angry or annoyed in English.Let me just give them to you one more time.I am angryI am annoyedI am fumingFit to be tiedHot under the collarOutragedFuriousDispleased  UnhappyIncensedOutragedIrateRiledRaging  like t he bullInfuriatedOkay, so remember as I said before, to subscribe to my YouTube channel and join me on Im going to join you very soon with some more helpful tips. Thanks a lot.

Tips for Teens Can a Tomato Help You Get Your Homework Done

Tips for Teens Can a Tomato Help You Get Your Homework Done You know that you need to stay focused when you are doing your homework or studying for a test, but sometimes it just seems impossible. If youre like most teens with ADHD, you always have intentions but no matter how hard you try you always seem to get distracted. Usually, the longer you work the more easily distracted you become! Why? Because our brains are not designed to focus on a single task for hours at a time, even when ADHD isnt part of the picture. Add ADHD into the mix and trying to focus for long stretches become truly overwhelming. Research shows that the average amount of homework assigned to high school students is 3 hours a night. So, how can you possibly complete that much work if your brain cant seem to focus for a 3-hour stretch? Well, a tomato may be able to help! When he was in college, entrepreneur and author Francesco Cirillo realized that he could accomplish much more work in short spurts of time than in longer study sessions. He used a timer shaped like a tomato to track his time, and ultimately created a system called The Pomodoro Technique to help him get his work done efficiently (pomodoro means tomato in Italian). The Pomodoro Technique is simple. It emphasizes short bursts of work time, and it allows you to build in rewards for your hard work and effort all features that make it an excellent fit for anyone with ADHD. So, how does it work? Break your homework down into 25 minute segments. Start by listing all of the assignments that you need to complete. For longer assignments, create a list of smaller chunks that can be completed in 25 minutes or less. Prioritize your assignments. Select the assignment, or portion of the assignment, that you would like to complete first. Set your timer for 25 minutes and get to work. Commit to working on the assignment until the timer goes off. Youll be surprised to see how quickly 25 minutes goes by! When the timer goes off, review your work. When the timer rings look over the work youve done. Did you meet your goal? Take a 5-minute break. At this point your brain will need a break. Take 5 minutes to do something unrelated to homework. Get up and stretch, get something to eat or drink, shoot hoops with a Nerf ball in your room, play with your dog. Do something active and try to avoid anything that will cause you to lose track of time (which is probably just about anything on your phone or computer!). After 5 minutes, repeat the cycle. Work for another 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. Reward yourself. After 4 successful 25-minute work cycles, reward yourself with a longer 20- or 30-minute break. Do something fun during this break! Just remember to keep track of time (set your timer!) and get back to work after 20 or 30 minutes have passed. When you break your homework down into 25-minute segments youll find yourself more focused and more relaxed. You may even find that you finish your work faster, so you spend less time on homework and more time on the things you enjoy! ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Intelligence Plus Character-that is the Goal of True Education

Intelligence Plus Character-that is the Goal of True Education Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education. ~Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the pivotal leaders of the American civil rights movement. King was a Baptist minister, one of the few leadership roles available to black men at the time. He became a civil rights activist early in his career. Martin Luther King  led the Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955â€"1956) and helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (1957), serving as its first president. His efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech. Here he raised public consciousness of the civil rights movement and established himself as one of the greatest orators in U.S. history. In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end segregation and racial discrimination through civil disobedience and other non-violent means. Do you want to receive the Nobel Prize? You can use the  tutoring help from our  qualified  tutors.

Fullerton Tutor Tips 5 Great Qualities in a Study Partner

Fullerton Tutor Tips 5 Great Qualities in a Study Partner Tips from a Private Fullerton Tutor: 5 Great Qualities in a Study Partner Tips from a Private Fullerton Tutor: 5 Great Qualities in a Study Partner Students have many options when it comes to study sessions. Most will go back to their home or dorm room and work alone, attempting to accomplish every question, every chapter, and every topic unaided. Although some students will do very well studying on their own, especially if its a subject they excel in, they can benefit from having a study buddy. Of course, group study sessions often don’t pan out because members of the group are there more to socialize thAn to learn. Some socialization can make a difficult task bearable, but its important to look for certain qualities when choosing a long-term study partner working with a private Fullerton tutor. 1. Equal Motivation It’s important to think about your current level of motivation in a particular class. For example, if you will only ever be satisfied with an A, this is something that’s good to know before choosing a study buddy. On the other hand, maybe you know that this is a class you would be lucky to get a B- in. You want your study buddy to have a similar motivation. If you’re an A student in a class, you will probably only benefit from working with somebody who also strives to reach perfection. However, if you know the best you will get is a B; then you might be holding back a study partner who is used to getting straight A’s (and vice versa).  Equal motivation generally means you will want to spend the same amount of time studying and share the same amount of drive to get assignments completed (READ: 10 Study Tips from an Irvine History Tutor). 2. Consistency It’s essential that a potential study partner demonstrates consistency, and that you do as well. When studying solo, its very tempting to put off the task at hand for ‘just a few minutes’, but of course those few minutes can turn into hours or days. Alternatively, if you have committed to meeting your study buddy from 3 to 5 on Friday, youll have to be prompt and get started on your assignments. You need to be consistent so as not to let your partner down but they also need to be equally consistent. If your study partner is showing up late or unprepared for sessions, it might be time to think about moving on to someone with more drive. 3. Skill Sets The study buddy relationship is kind of a yin/yang type of situation. Let’s say youre working on math and you are fabulous with triangle problems but not so great with functions. In an ideal world, your study partner would be great at functions but maybe need some help with triangles. If you can find somebody who can fill the gaps in your learning (and vice versa) then you may both be able to improve your grades in a particular class. 4. Fight Boredom Once you get to know your study partner a little bit, its a good idea to help each other fight boredom. Trying to edit your own 15-page research paper can be dry to say the least, but if you switch papers with your study partner, youll be editing theirs and giving it a fresh perspective while they will be giving you suggestions on your own work.  A great study buddy will also be able to notice when your mind is starting to fade away into boredom. They can help you determine when you need a short break and when you need to simply push through and focus. Of course, you should be doing the same for them. Many students who study solo will end up giving up and moving on to non-academic activities before they have done enough studying to ace that test. An ideal study buddy will help you fight through this and get your work done (READ: Online Study Tools for Students). 5. No distractions Students who study in a group setting may socialize more than is ideal, thus prolonging the amount of time they need to spend on academic tasks. Why spend three hours studying for an exam with tons of distractions from your group when you could have put in a solid 90 minutes and then gone and done something more fun?  And ideal study buddy will be fun to be around but know when its time to focus. A joke here and there to stay interested is okay, but tons of time spent on distractions is not. Dont wait to book your private Fullerton tutor for the New Year. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Walworth Barbour American International School

Walworth Barbour American International School Walworth Barbour American International School The Walworth Barbour American International School in Israel (WBAIS) operates two campuses, each of which provides an independent, coeducational day school, offering an educational program from preschool through grade 12 for students of all nationalities. The main campus (AIS) is located in Even Yehuda and the branch campus (JAIS) is located in Jerusalem. The School was founded in 1958 with the branch campus added in 2007. In August 2012, the preschool was relocated from Kfar Shmaryahu to the main Even Yehuda campus. The school year comprises two semesters extending from August 13 to January 23 and January 24 to June 12. Organization: The School is a non-profit corporation registered in the State of Delaware. The ultimate powers of the corporation reside in the corporate membership, which has delegated the policy-making responsibility for the school to a seven-member School Board. Four of the school board members are employees or dependents of the U.S. Embassy; the other three are dr awn from the Israeli, American, and international communities. Two ex-officio members, one serving as the U.S. Ambassadors representative and one from the Jerusalem Advisory Board, complete the Board. Curriculum: The curriculum is that of U.S. academic, college-preparatory public schools. The School offers 13 AP courses at the high school level. WBAIS is a secular school with no religious instruction. The Schools testing program includes the College Entrance Examination Board tests and the MAP (Measurement of Academic Progress) test. Instruction is in English. Hebrew, Spanish and French are taught as modern languages. Special education services provide support for students with mild learning disabilities. An extensive after-school program, including arts, crafts, sports, and other recreational activities, serves grades 1-12. Most WBAIS graduates go to colleges and universities in the United States. The School was fully re-accredited, including the international credential, in May 20 09 by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Facilities: Since August 2007, the AIS has been housed in a new, purpose-built, state of the art facility on nineteen acres in the town of Even Yehuda. This campus includes separate preschool, elementary, middle, and high school buildings, a fine and performing arts building with a 400 seat auditorium and a Multi-Purpose Room, a library media center with 15,000 volumes, a cafeteria building, and a double gymnasium. Extensive athletic fields, a swimming pool, tennis courts, basketball courts, a fitness center, and playgrounds complete the campus. Wireless internet is available in most areas of the campus and middle and high school students are required to participate in the 1-to-1 laptop program. The JAIS is housed on the Israel Goldstein Youth Village campus. The JAIS has three buildings to serve the Pre-K through Grade 12 students and has access to the swimming pool, gymnasium, auditorium and science laboratory facilities of the Youth Village.

Choosing Between a Part Time Private Tutor and an Independent Tutor

Choosing Between a Part Time Private Tutor and an Independent TutorThe International Board for Tutors (IBT) was formed in 1986 by a group of high school teachers who thought that they had to create a specialized, all-encompassing international curriculum to produce a better education system. The original Board, however, failed to include representatives from the different schools and universities of the world, and after a few years it was disbanded. In order to help schools around the world have a greater say in the curriculum development process, they established an International Advisory Council.The International Advisory Council is made up of many experienced tutors from across the world. They are chosen from all around the world and are committed to following the International Board's curricula. In addition, these schools are required to agree to adhere to the IBT standards. These Standards are the same as those set forth by the International Board for Educators.The IBT accredits all schools that are affiliated with the IBT. All IBT members must meet the standards set forth by the IBT and are accountable to them.Independent learning is now becoming more popular, and so is independent tutoring. Many students are also choosing to work directly with a tutor rather than taking a full time job, and the whole purpose of a quality private tutor is to make sure that the student receives the best possible education and a successful career.Independent tutors are far more likely to be concerned with their students' academic success than an IBT member is. This makes it easier for a teacher to focus on other aspects of the school, such as building relationships with parents and students, ensuring the student has access to teachers in the community, providing extra supervision, etc. These types of tutors are much less expensive than IBT members are and provide an education in a way that is more flexible and unique.Idyllic tutors are a perfect solution for many schools. T hey are independent and dedicated to their students, and often charge less than a full-time classroom teacher. This allows the school to make adjustments without affecting the quality of education, while also allowing the individual to spend more time with the student.If you are looking for an Idyllic tutor, you should start with the website of the International Board for Education in the United States. These resources will allow you to compare schools and find the best possible education for your child.